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As founder of The Doctor’s Rx, “The Doctor’s Prescription for Success”, Robin administers a diverse and expansive spectrum of tasks ranging from day-to-day operations such as office efficiency and workforce management to long-term strategies like increasing patient referrals, managing social media, online marketing, networking, and website development. She’s also a certified Human Resources Consultant with extensive experience helping practices become compliant with federal and state laws by making their HR processes simple and compliant from the start.

Over three decades of hands-on, day-to-day work in the demanding world of business, Robin’s been on the front line of turning struggling practices into thriving organizations and raising thriving organizations to even greater heights of success. She specializes in building new practices from the ground up. Robin began her career as a day-to-day manager of dental practices. She creates order out of chaos, designing systems and strategies for your unique practice.

With unparalleled experience, a proven track record of success, and an ever-evolving understanding of a constantly changing business world, Robin Besotes is the perfect prescription for a successful business and your support guru and growth expert.

Professional Affiliations:

  • Non-Profit Social Media Director
  • Bent Erickson & Associates Certified HR Consultant
  • TGIF Business Networking Chairperson
  • Drake P3 Certified
  • Academy of Dental Management Consultants Ambassador
  • Mystery Shopping Providers Association