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Trojan Today Classics

Trojan Today Classic: “Leading Your Dental Practice by Numbers” by Curtis Marshall

Numbers drive the world of business, including the business of dentistry: Revenue, Profitability, Production per Active Patient, Case Acceptance %, Pre-Appointment %, New Patient as a % of Active Patients, and a variety of other measures. Leaders in the dental industry would be at a severe disadvantage without timely and accurate figures relating to all aspects of their practice.

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Trojan Today

Trojan Today: “Start the Bragging”

Peer-to-peer recognition is as important for staff morale as much as a supervisor’s compliments and acknowledgments are. Here is a program that Trojan used for employee peer-to-peer recognition.

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Trojan Today | Ingrid Kidd Goldfarb | Happy Thanksgiving
Trojan Today

Trojan Today: “Happy Thanksgiving” by Ingrid Kidd Goldfarb

I love the fall. Cooler mornings, sweaters, schools back in session, leaves changing color, pumpkin waffle mix at Trader Joe’s, and football! My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It’s a time to pause and give thanks. My gratitude basket is overflowing this year. Here are a few things I am most thankful for:

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