Trojan Today Classic: “Providing Service Like We Mean It” by Ingrid Kidd Goldfarb

Originally published 2007

I confess I am one of those hotel guests who always takes the shampoo, soaps, and lotion from my hotel room. They end up in a basket in our guest room for our own guests to use. With the new airline restrictions on liquids or gels, I now carry zip-top bags so I can get these little treasures through security. I realize I am paying for these, but it always makes me feel as if I’m getting something special when they are a premium brand or nicely packaged.

When we checked into our hotel room on a recent trip, we found a nicely presented package on the bed. It contained a letter from the management about research on what contributes to a good night’s sleep and the things this hotel chain was doing to provide the best experience for their guests. The hotel had fax machines and high-speed Internet access in the room so business could be done efficiently. It offered guaranteed wake up calls. It provided good mattresses, quality linens, and a choice of feather or foam pillows. It posted tasteful signs outside the elevator to remind guests of the “quiet zone.” The package included a sleep mask, a small bottle of lavender scented linen spray, a clip to hold the room darkening curtains closed (I especially loved this one) and a compact disc with relaxation exercises and an hour of relaxing music to fall asleep to. It really felt like the hotel had listened to their guests and responded with far beyond the basics. In fact, the hotel was striving towards exceptional customer service.

As we begin a new year at Trojan, we recommit to serving you, our clients, with Exceptional Customer Service. It has been our mission for over 30 years to provide you with services to enhance your practice. We listen to your requests and suggestions for how we can adapt, as your practice needs change. Your needs direct the focus of the services we provide and how we deliver them to you. We realize there are other companies offering some of the services we do. We strive to serve you better and with that personal touch that makes the experience a pleasure for you. We love the kudos we receive from you, but, just as importantly, we want to hear what your needs are, how we can make your job easier, and how we can serve you better. 

Just as I will return to Crowne Plaza hotels when the opportunity arises, we hope you will continue to turn to Trojan for your Benefit Services, Electronic Claims, Managed Care, and Credit Services. Making your jobs easier should help you sleep better. Together, we will make 2007 a profitable, healthy, and happy New Year.

Ingrid Kidd Goldfarb is Owner and President of Trojan Professional Services, Inc.

Read more from Ingrid:

Trojan Today Classic: “Resolution: Compliment” by Ingrid Kidd Goldfarb, President, Trojan Professional Services, Inc. – Trojan Professional Services (

Trojan Today Classic: “The Joys of Making Good Better.” by Ingrid Kidd Goldfarb, President, Trojan Professional Services, Inc. – Trojan Professional Services (

Trojan Today Classics: “Fighting Fear with Unity” by Ingrid Kidd Goldfarb – Trojan Professional Services (


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