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Trojan Today Classic: “Teamwork: Marketing Through Social Media” by Robin Besotes

Originally published September 2017 in Trojan Today.

Whether you have a new practice or want to enhance your ongoing marketing efforts, I can offer a few tips to increase the number of patients and retain them by making the most of online resources.

Verify that your online platforms have the correct information.  

Platforms such as Google, Yelp, etc., should be researched for your presence. Check your name as well as your practice name (if you have one) and update any incorrect information. For example, if you have been an associate prior to opening your new practice, your online information most likely will be incorrect. This incorrect information can affect your search engine results and how new patients find you. 

Create social media channels correctly and use them at least once a week.

Nothing is worse than seeing a practice business page or social media channel with the last update being two years ago. Yes, your practice time is precious, but remember to check in and update regularly.

Get to know the professional basics of social media. 

Just because Johnny is a teenager and knows how to use social media, doesn’t mean he’s the best person to set up or provide advice on your social media platforms. It may be a huge benefit to have a professional, social media consultant set you up in the beginning. Once it’s done right, maintenance becomes your focus.

Invest time to build online relationships just as you would when a patient walks through your doors. 

Have dedicated time for your designated Social Media person to complete tasks such as returning messages, “Liking” posts that mention you or local groups, and sharing news with family and friends. If your staff member is new to using social media for a business, they can also look through some FAQ pages and learn something new about social media marketing. The more they learn, the more you’ll benefit.

Get to know your followers. 

Don’t try to “sell” followers all the time. It’s best to post in an  80/20 format, i.e. 80% general content and 20% promotion. The number of people reached in a particular post, and the number of reactions or “Likes,” will give you a general idea of the items that catch the attention of your followers.

Do not beg for “Likes” or ask followers to “Please retweet this post.”

Good content will be shared. Tagging individuals or businesses will make them more likely to react and share items to their own social media channels. 

Call to Action. 

Do you have a call to action on your social media platforms? On your posts and pictures, frequently include a call to action. When it is a specific marketing post, encourage potential patients to learn more at a website, visit an educational site for dental care, or see your products and services page on Facebook. 

Include a written description with every photo on your Facebook business page.

This is the biggest lost marketing opportunity on Facebook. Make a point to click on and look for a description every time you post an image. This is also a place to put your call to action. 

Join local community Facebook groups and become the dental expert in them.

You’ll begin to see other community members tag you when someone is asking for a recommendation for a dentist.

Brand images. 

It’s a good idea to add your logo to your images for branding purposes. It’s not realistic for some practices to add image branding if they are taking the image with a cellphone and quickly uploading it, but the more you can brand your images the better.

Ask for referrals and reviews. 

Let parents know you love families like theirs. Let them know you’d love having more parents and patients like them. Parents love to hear this! Invite them to leave a review on your Facebook page, Google, or Yelp! It could be as simple as asking in your email signature and providing a link. 

Be genuine. 

Let the culture of your office show in your social media. Is yours a dental office with a fun theme? Carry that to your social media marketing. Welcome those who visit you online as you would welcome those who walk into your office. Show your appreciation for your patients and treat them in the virtual world as you would in the real one.

Robin Besotes is the owner of The DoctorsRx, a consulting company that helps practices thrive.  

FMI:,, of 916-316-9948


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